Wednesday, August 14, 2019

My School Now Has An Iron Fence.

My school now has an iron fence,
So look mom now I am safe.

I am safe from wars that happen in minds,
I am safe from guns that line the halls,
Where once kids you could find
Near the colorful walls

Yes my school now has an iron fence
And I have been taught to duck under the desk.
And have learned to be quiet, as still as a mouse
Just in case someone uninvited enters the house.

I've learned to hug my friends real tight,
Who knows it's the last time I see them tonight,
My brother, I quarrel with a little bit less,
Because I never know which day is messed,

There was once a time, a few days ago,
Where the classroom was open and we went with the flow,
I would wave to my teacher from the street across,
And hug my mum at my open door.

But like I said I am safe safe safe!
Why do you ask that question are you naive?
I am sure you are locking me up for my own good,
'Cause locking up guns would give you bad blood.

Vaishnavi Misra